라벨이 Linux인 게시물 표시

How to Install and Run CaPTk on Linux

You can download the CaPTk binary file  here .   cd ~/Downloads chmod +x CaPTk_1.9.0_Installer.bin # Specify the installation path with --target mkdir ~/CaPTk ./CaPTk_1.9.0_Installer.bin --target /home/$USER/CaPTk/ # Execute CaPTk GUI or double click CaPTk-1.9.0.bin cd ~/CaPTk/CaPTk/1.9.0 ./CaPTk-1.9.0.bin # Execute CaPTk CLI (Display BraTSPipeline, DeepMedic help information) /home/$USER/CaPTk/CaPTk/1.9.0/CaPTk-1.9.0.bin BraTSPipeline -h /home/$USER/CaPTk/CaPTk/1.9.0/CaPTk-1.9.0.bin DeepMedic -h

How to Install ngrok and configure automatic startup on Ubuntu

I tested ngrok on Ubuntu 22.04 . I referred to  Linux | ngrok documentation 1. SSH Connection Setup ssh-keygen sudo apt-get install openssh-server # for Debian # sudo yum install openssh-server # for RHEL /etc/init.d/ssh start 2. Install and Run Ngrok sudo apt update sudo apt install snapd snap install ngrok ngrok config add-authtoken <your ngrok token> ngrok tcp 22 3. (Option) Allow Only Specific IPs (below is an example) ngrok tcp 22 \ --cidr-allow \ --cidr-allow \ 4. Start SSHD Automatically at Boot If you are not using Ubuntu, then execute code below. sudo systemctl enable ssh.service 5. Start Ngrok Automatically at Boot You need to indicate the location of the ngrok binary file. - The shell script should include the full path to the ngrok binary (e.g.,  /snap/bin/ngrok ). vi start_ngrok.sh #!/bin/bash /snap/bin/ngrok tcp 22 Make the script executable by running the following command in the terminal and Open the crontab edito

How to set up WiFi on Ubuntu 22.04

0. Before Installation Environment - CPU : Intel - OS : Ubuntu 22.04 amd64 (64bit) 1. If your computer can connect to the internet Ironically, an internet connection is essential to set up WiFi. If there is built-in WiFi, tethering can be connected through Bluetooth in settings. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04 reboot 2. If your computer  cannot connect to the internet If you are in a situation without internet access, or if installation and downloads are slow, then use a USB. The Ubuntu versions on Computer 1 and 2 must be the same. If they are different, then use Docker. Run the command below on a computer  with an internet connection. (Computer 1) # Download *.deb sudo apt-get install --download-only linux-generic-hwe-22.04 -y # /dev/sdb1 : Replace /dev/sdb1 to your USB Drive route cd /dev/sdb1 mkdir my-packages/ sudo cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /dev/sdb1/my-packag